Happy Thanksgiving week!
I love this week of the year, even though I am Canadian I love the way Thanksgiving is such a big deal of a holiday in the United States. It extends over many days and I find even the week leading up to it, there is a calibration that takes place in us, causing us to pause, reflect, and give thanks, before the shopping “writ” is dropped and Christmas season goes into full force!
As I was contemplating Thankfulness today, I began thinking of what I am thankful for. I immediately listed off things I have had or are currently enjoying. But then I thought, am I thankful for what is to come? Am I thankful now for what I am believing to see in my future days?
When Israel got stuck in the desert it was because they were thinking on what they had, what they lacked now, but they lost sight of what was to come. They lost their imagination and desire to believe and it left them longing for what was. They had no concept of how good things were going to be for them. They were lost in their immediate world of feeling lack and loss.
We need to be mindful of the future, even more so than the current realm, and in every season to give thanks for what God has done, what He is doing and what He will do! Ephesians 3:20 says He will do exceedingly more than what we can ask or think! Are you thanking Him for what He is providing for you now? Are you thankful for what He is going to provide in your near future? And in your far future? Are you telling Him you are?
Thanksgiving and praise open up our eyes to see God and all He has for us and who He will be for us in our future days.
“I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations.”
Psalm 100:4,5
Do you have a vision for your future? Do you know what your needs will be? We often default to money, but God says He will provide our needs according to His riches in glory. Our first known future need is eternal security. Jesus is the Savior of the world. Do you know Jesus is your personal Savior. He died for you specifically so you can have eternal life and know His perfect love starting today and for the rest of your eternal life. Pray this prayer now, “Father, thank You for loving me and forgiving me. Jesus, thank You for dying for my sins and offering me new life. Come into my heart, fill me Holy Spirit, and make me the person You created me to be. Amen” If you prayed that prayer where is Jesus now? (repeat the prayer if you didn’t know He’s in your heart.)
We live our lives on this earth for such a short time but we live on for eternity. It really matters where you spend the rest of your life. God wants you to experience and live eternally in His love, His goodness, His kindness, and His joy. He loves you so much He sent Jesus to die for you to make your eternal life with Him possible. All you need to do is receive Him …and say, “Thank You.”
Now you can really start dreaming of your future! What do you want that future to look like? What kind of strength do you have? How will you want to spend your time? What will you need to make these things happen? Once you’ve got some images in your thoughts, then start asking God for what you will need to make those things happen.
Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write my answer on a billboard, large and clear, so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell others.” (Living Bible)
God wants you to record in big words and picture what you see and to be reminded it of it often. In Habakkuk 2:3 it continues saying, “This vision is for a future time. It describes the end and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.” (NLT)
What do you do while you are waiting? You keep that big vision before your eyes, believe in His promise that it will surely take place and you GIVE THANKS to God because He is good and He says it is on its way!
What do you see today to thank God for? What are you seeing you’ll need in the future? Write it down, add a picture, make it memorable, make it something you will see daily, and thank God today for what you are believing for in days and years to come! Make every day a Thanksgiving Day and have a really happy life being thankful!
Contributed by: Jane Watrich
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