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Finding the Safe Place

Updated: Feb 27

As God is a safe place for us, we need to be that safe place for others!

In this season, with so many distractions coming upon us and changes rapidly taking place in

society, I have noticed that there are more and more people looking for that safe person to be able to process things with. They are looking for someone to make sense, and have direction in where their lives are going.

Our walk with God is getting deeper as we press in for His direction and advice for our lives and loved ones. As we are part of one big family, the family of God, we also need one another. We need to know that we are there for one another and be that safe place.

In order for us to be that safe place, we need to have heart check-ups from time to time. We

need to understand the motivation of our own hearts. Is it recognition we want, or is our

motivation to move and act in love? What spirit are we operating from - one of humility or one of pride? God says, I oppose the proud but give grace to the humble.

It is out of our journey, our mistakes, and our choices that God has enabled us to grow, and in turn, we are able to help others to grow. He makes all things work together for our good. As we truly listen to others who are struggling in many areas, we can help people from making the same mistakes as we have; then in turn, we can mentor them to rise up and go beyond whatever and wherever we have gone. We want people to live their God-given destiny.

When we have humble and teachable hearts, God can give us ears to hear further and eyes to see deeper and wider. We need to understand the motivation in our own hearts, and when the timing is right, we can be that safe place to impart what we hear from God; and have learned from our experience to others to help them apply that wisdom to their times of searching and processing.

As the Holy Spirit is a safe place for us, to counsel us, to teach us, to comfort us,

let’s be that safe place for others. It is so needed in the world we live in today. You will be the

difference in someone’s life who can be vulnerable with you, and know you have their best

interest at heart. People are looking for faith love hope meaning, and purpose.

As God sees the motivation of your heart as you serve and love others as He does, He can trust you with the hearts of others, and then into greater things of His plans for you. God is looking for those He can trust.

How wonderful it is to be entrusted as being that refuge for someone.

"The Lord is a safe place for the oppressed – a safe place in difficult times. Those who know your name trust you because you have not abandoned any who seek you, Lord."

Psalms 9:9-10

Contributor: Nellie O'Hara

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