I woke up this morning saying, “I am just going to let God love me today.” What a loving God to actually be the love that we need in our lives. Jesus said “I love you” by giving his life for us, as a sacrifice.
John 13:34 & 35 says “So I give you a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you are my true followers.”
We need to let our heavenly Father love us. We need a revelation of that love.
God wants to transform us and He wants us to trust Him. We need to say to God today, “Have your way with me Lord.” Love on me. I invite you to spend time with me and lavish me.
Ask God to insert himself into your life. The Word says in The Passion Translation to commune with God at all times in Romans 12:12. Let God’s love transform you by renewing your mind and the way you think.
Let God renew your mind and get to know the good and perfect will of God by reading His Word.
We have to be able to listen and believe. We have to know that God loves us. Apply God’s love and listen and believe God is going to speak and do not be afraid. The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear but a sound mind.
Authority works out of an established identity. We need to establish those things that have been spoken. Love grounds us and establishes us.
Watch and see a beautiful transformation take place as you spend time today commune with the Father who wants to pour out on you!
Contributor: Nellie O'Hara
