“Proclaim this among the Nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors!” (Joel 3:9,NIV)
Now is the time for action, My children. Do not sleep or slumber. Harken unto My Word – prepare your hearts for battle! For I am doing a new thing upon the earth.
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19, NIV)
You have not walked this path before. I am raising up My war eagles. My children who will soar at great heights with Me. You shall have the courage of a lion, but the gentleness of a lamb. I shall use you to change the course of this world. You shall speak forth My Word to bring hope, healing and comfort to the lost. You shall move in great power and wisdom as I guide your steps. Harken unto Me, My children.
No longer follow thy own desires, but move as I call. You shall not lose the desires of your heart, but I shall fulfill your dreams, and more, as you align your heart with My will.
You shall not stumble, or fall, as we move down this narrow path. I have called you for these times. I shall equip you with My weapons of war. My Glory shall proceed you, and your enemies shall flee. Do not sleep or slumber – I say it again! Prepare your hearts for battle!
“So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.”
(1Thessalonians 5:6)
See into every situation through My eyes of love. I shall heal the broken-hearted. I shall right the wrongs of the past. I shall bring reconciliation and restoration to fractured lives. I shall make a way for My children in the darkness. Do not fear, but know that I go before thee in every situation. I am thy shield and buckler. No harm shall fall upon thee. I love My children with an everlasting love. I shall not leave or forsake thee. My plans come together for My good purpose. It is not My will to bring harm to My children, but hope, freedom and life. They shall soar above the battle! My strength, peace and provision shall sustain you, so stay close. Hear My voice as I lead and guide you through safe waters.
The way shall be tough at times, but I have cleared the path. Stay close and you shall not stumble.
Be of good cheer knowing that I have overcome this world! The plans of the enemy are nothing to Me. I have all authority and power. Though the enemy rages through the earth proclaiming his power and authority, he is nothing. He does not have dominion, I do! This earth and the fulness thereof belongs to Me. I have let the course of time run so that none should perish. It is My desire for all of My children to come home to Me. I shall have My will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
The saints have prayed and I have listened. I am faithful to My children. All is not lost, though the times seem dark. Seek My light. I will fill you with love, hope and peace to overflowing. I shall right the wrongs and not one stone shall be left unturned.
Rest in Me, My children, but do not sleep or slumber. I have called thee into a good thing. It is time to move forward into new things. I will light the path and show you the way. My Glory is coming to the earth! It will shine as a beacon on this earth. There will be no mistaking My power and majesty. I am coming for My bride. She will be without spot, or wrinkle, when I am finished imparting My perfection on her. Her sins were nailed to the cross. I am calling My church to come up higher; to flee from their wicked ways and embrace My purity and wholeness. To be washed clean once again by My blood. My
death and resurrection paid the price.
Come up higher and move forward in My authority. Seek Me while I am still found. I will wash you clean and set you on My path of life. I build My flock – My glorious church! The gates of hell will not prevail against it! Though satan may rage and bring destruction in his midst, he will not win the battle. Victory is mine! Rest assured that satan’s power is limited and unmatched to mine. I laugh in the heavens at his misguided plots and plans, though I weep for duped children.
Take heed to My Word. Bury it in your heart and meditate on it in your mind. My Word is a strong tower where you will be safe. No attacks can penetrate you as you rest in Me. I shall cover you with My wings and you shall stay safe from harm. Do not fear. I will open the eyes of My children as they seek Me. You shall see the plots of satan. I shall give you wisdom and knowledge; strategies to navigate through the traps.
Hold fast to Me, My children. We go a new way. The time is here for great victory. Freedom, liberty and peace are at hand as we move through this season of war.
Mount up, My eagles! Soar with Me! I shall lead and guide thee. It is time of the great recompense! Prepare thy hearts. In humility and repentance, you shall find Me. Clothe your heart with My righteousness. Seek Me first in all you do. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. United in Me, you may enter to experience its fulness.
Do not delay! Join Me, My children. Hear My voice as I call. Enter in with boldness and joy. Take up My
mantle. Prepare for battle! The time for great victory is at hand!
“For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” (Deuteronomy 20:4)
Contributor: Shelly Burchnall
