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Prepare the way! Roar your Battle Cry! Speak My Word!

Writer's picture: CSA MinistriesCSA Ministries

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

I am doing a new thing on Earth! Prepare the way! Roar your Battle Cry! Speak My Word!

“I myself will prepare your way levelling mountains and hills. I will break down bronze

gates and smash their iron bars. I will give you treasure from dark secret places; then

you will know that I am the Lord and that the God of Israel, has called you by name. I

appoint you to help my servant Israel, the people I have chosen. I have given you great

honour, although you do not know me. “I am the Lord; there is no other God. I will give

you the strength you need, although you do not know me. I do this so that everyone

from one end of the world to the other may know that I am the Lord and that there is no

other god. I create both light and darkness; I bring both blessing and disaster. I, the

Lord, do all these things. I will send victory from the sky like rain; the earth will open to

receive it and will blossom with freedom and justice. I, the Lord, will make this

happen.”” (Isaiah 45:2-12, GNT)

Tell my people that time is short! This is the hour of the great reset. My great reset! I

am sending My power, My glory, to planet earth as never seen before! Gone are the

days of milk toast praise and worship. I am sending My shekinah glory to My faithful

children; to My ekklesia who have stood in faith during this time of great darkness and

trial. I am doing a new thing on earth. We are walking a path that humans have not

gone before. Have I not told you through My Prophets?

Prepare the way! Prepare your hearts! Repent! Turn from your wicked ways, for I long

to pour out My healing, My blessings, My grace and My power upon My faithful

children. Those who have not waivered. Those who have heard My voice and stood

while great darkness has tried to fill the land and destroy My church. However, as in the

days of Job, I have said, “This far and no more! Satan you will not take the life of My church, My remnant!” And now is the hour of My recompense. This earth has cried out

and groaned under the weight of the evil and darkness. Watch as I answer her cry and

erase the darkness from the land. My Children have prayed. My beloved remnant has

cried unto Me. They have not waivered, or bent, under the stress and strain, but put

their faith in Me. I am a loving and true God, and I shall answer their cries.

Gone will be the days of thieves and bandits ruling earth. Gone will be the days of

injustice and wrongful death. You shall blink and in the course of a moment the evil

shall be wiped from this land. My Great North America! Canada, True North Strong and

Free! America, the Beautiful! I shall return thee to your former glory and beyond. The

evil that has been planned for your destiny shall not stand. That which has been meant

for death and destruction I shall use for My glory and turn into peace, liberty, and

freedom for all.

I have removed the blinders from My sleeping church. My bride is waking up. The hour

is here. It is not too late. Not all will be lost. I am a powerful, jealous God for My

children. Nothing is impossible for Me! I will pluck My children from the depths of the

murky mire. Your victory and deliverance are at hand. Watch as the miraculous

unfolds. See as I move on your behalf. I have sent tens of thousands of My angel armies

to battle on your behalf. The battle is Mine! You shall only have to stand to see the

victory of the Lord!

Cry out with Me! Roar your battle cry! Speak My victory into being by aligning with My

word – the weapon of your warfare! Speak only My words! Do not agree with the devil;

that old foe who prowls the earth seeking those he can destroy with his deception and

lies. Use your sword, My ekklesia! Cry out My words! Stand on My promises and take

the ground I have given you. See from Heaven’s perspective! See from My eyes! Do not look in the natural, but see only in the Spirit and let words of victory flow from your


Let your tongues be on fire with My Words! Words of life, hope, freedom and love!

Arise ecclesia! Shout forth My Word! Do not delay! Do not fear! My angel armies go

before thee. They shall clear the path; I shall light the way. We have turned the corner

unto a new day. Can you not perceive it? Let your hearts be filled with joy – for the joy

of the Lord is your strength! My power is in you for you to carry the very Spirit of the

one true Living God! I have secured your victory! Not all is lost, though the way has

been hard. Today is a new day, My children.

Stand fast as My army here on earth. Put aside your differences and join together in

love. Do not be distracted by the petty things that would bring division, but stand on

the truth of My Living Word and move forward as I call. Do not seek the past, but look

for new Manna. Fresh food from My heart which will sustain you through the battle at

hand. In My glory you will find peace, strength, joy and love. Happiness and

contentment knock at the door. This is a new day! Embrace all that I have for thee.

Seek Me, walk with Me, hear My voice, as I lead thee in all things. Do not be afraid, but

put your trust in Me. You shall see great victories unfold by My hand!

The hour is here. The time is now. In mercy I have stayed the timing of My wrath, but

now I stand. Now I bring justice and judgement unto the land. The wicked have scorned

and laughed believing their deeds against My people shall go unpunished. They are

about to see My wrath. There is no where to hide. Repent while the final moment of

My grace still stands; for the door is soon closing on My forgiveness of those who

choose great evil. It is time to reap what you have sown. You cannot serve two

Masters. Choose this day. Turn and walk into the light. My mercy shall embrace you in

this moment of time. My justice and wrath are coming for those who have mocked, scorned, and laughed at My Word. My Son came to bring life, hope, and freedom to the

lost. He paid the ultimate price with His life and now I shall gather those that believe.

My children, My little ones who stood and held fast to My promises. Do not fear, for

the latter shall be greater than the former! Thou shall dwell in the land of Goshen while

I bring great turmoil to those that have harmed My children. Their cost shall be high, for

the recompense of the harm they have brought to My flock.

This is my last warning! Repent while there is still time. Choose this day to live. Come

unto Me, for it is My desire to cleanse you and bring wholeness and health into your life.

Come, step into My love. Do not delay, but embrace Me as I wait to embrace you.

“Repent [change your inner self-your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in

a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life], for the kingdom of

heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2, AB) “I will give you back your health and heal your

wounds, says the Lord…” (Jeremiah 30:17, NLT) “I will give you a new heart and put a

new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of

flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26, NIV) “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.

When you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown. When you walk through the

fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One

of Israel, your Saviour.” (Isaiah 43:2-5, NLT)

Contributor: Shelly Burchnall

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